A new obsession – Sanditon

So far this has been a blog dedicated purely to Our Girl fanfics, but now I’m publishing another fanfic here, based on the ITV series Sanditon. I cannot resist because at the moment I am in love with Sanditon! I have always had a weakness for Jane Austen, books and movies, and this is no exception. I know abstinence will be hard when the series is over so what better way to remedy that than to expand it. As always with fanfiction; it ain’t over until we say it is.

This story will be published one chapter at a time under its own heading in the menu (Sanditon, naturally). My other works are usually published at Fanfiction.net as I write them and only here on the blog once they are complete, but as there seems to be no category for Sanditon on the fanfic page I simply publish here.

The story will pretty much stick to the plot of the series (I have not read the unfinished novel), focus on Charlotte and Sidney and expand on their thoughts and feelings (because I cannot get enough of them) and perhaps continue for a bit where the series ends. A bit like when you buy a series on DVD and there is extra material.

Disclaimer: I have borrowed dialogue from the ITV series and of course the characters are Jane Austen’s. I own neither and have absolutely no intention of making money from it. This is for my amusement only and perhaps someone else’s.

I hope you enjoy, no matter if you are new to my writing or already know it well. And if you have not seen Sanditon, hurry up because you have a treat to look forward to!

The Secret – prequel

In April I wrote a chapter intended to be the prologue to a longer story. I realise it may take some time before I get to that because I have other stories higher up on the priority list in my head, so I now chose to publish it as a freestanding prequel here on the blog in the Short stories section.

So many stories (in my head), so little time (writing them down)…

Currently I have two ongoing stories on the fanfiction site, so I will focus on completing those first.

The Secret – prequel

Cover prequel

Once upon a long time after The Jump

Once upon a long time after The Jump is now complete and has been published in the Short stories section.

This story takes place thirteen years after end of season 3 (which I for a long time thought was season 4 but that seems to be the one they are filming now, so maybe better to say this is thirteen years after Bangladesh). That is all I will say to avoid spoilers and leave it to you to discover what it is all about.

Cover Once

About my Our Girl stories

If you are new to this page, you may be interested to know a few things about my writing.

All my stories to date are Our Girl fanfics. If you are an Our Girl fan and think the time on screen is too short, I hope you find something here to cheer up your day.

Believe it or not, I’m not obsessed with the series Our Girl. I love the series, but it is really writing fanfics, more or less based on it, that I have developed an addiction to. Crazy, I know!

So what are my stories like?

I like stories with a HEA. I think there is too much despair in this world for wanting to add to it, plus I’m a hopeless romantic. There are sad moments/chapters in my stories, but they don’t end like that. The only exceptions are two black humoured parodies which cannot really claim to sport a HEA but they might make you laugh anyway.

Some of my fics stay close to the series, some stray further into AUs but never anything too weird (this is not a page where you will find zombie crossovers or similar).

My favourite couple to write is Molly and Charles, their stories just seem to pop up in my head naturally. There are a few exceptions though if you are looking for that, so I thought I would highlight them:

Twenty-five days to Christmas involve most of the OG characters in many different love stories weaving together, so even if Molly and CJ is the main couple you will likely find any other favourite here.

She didn’t see it coming is a Bones & Georgie fic.

I have written a trilogy where Molly, CJ, Bones and Elvis all play important roles in the first two parts Young love – or how it all began , All is fair in love and war and the third is a Bones & Georgie fic; Where there’s life there’s hope .

There are two additional stories where Georgie is the protagonist but those are naughty parodies so if you are a firm Georgie fan you may not appreciate them. I think them very funny though and simply like to play with the characters. She’s nothing but a dirty mind, a player burning bridges as she goes, Black widow on the lose

There are no pure Elvis & Georgie stories, because even if I was smitten with their love story in season 2, I had lost interest in them long before I started writing fanfics summer 2018, but they occur as a couple e.g. in Twenty-five days to Christmas.

I have also written two crossovers:

With Bodyguard (BBC/Netflix series): Protecting Miss Dawes – a job like any other

With The Christmas card (a Hallmark movie): The Christmas Card

For longer introductions to all stories, look under Novels and Short stories, respectively.

I hope that the upcoming series will inspire me for new stories, but one thing is for sure; there will never be a Georgie and Bossman story in any shape or form on this page due to serious lack of chemistry between them (at least I was unable to spot it). I would love if it turns out Bones miraculously had survived because between him and Georgie sparks were flying, and killing him off seemed totally pointless to me. Would love even more if CJ and Molly have reconciled even if only mentioned and not shown on screen, as the latter seems to be ruled out due to those lovely people being busy with baby and other jobs.

Lastly; my stories are posted here on this page once complete. I post them on www.fanfiction.net chapter by chapter already during the writing process under my profile Miss Piony. I’m on Twitter under my pen name @MissPiony if you wish to join for updates or a chat.

That was all! 

More of my Bones & Georgie fic

cover she didnt see

I have updated She didn’t see it coming , my only full-length Bones & Georgie fic. Why? you might wonder. Well, it was my very first story and upon re-reading it eight months and some 2000 written pages later, I realised there was room for improvement.

The plot remains the same, but I have edited the language and there is more of essentially everything; more dialogue, more feelings, hotter sex. This may in fact be one of my hottest stories, I realised when reading in one fell swoop that there is quite much hotness going on and if you don’t like a bit of smut (some of it deserve M-rating) you just have to skip those parts. Above all this is a love story though, you know I have a weakness for that.

There is more of Bones too as there are two new full chapters from his POV; Chapter 19 and Epilogue 2. However, all chapters are heavily edited so the story now is some 100 pages longer. It may seem a waste to put this effort into an already complete story but since this is my only full-length Bones & Georgie fic I thought it deserved as good as I got.  It was also nice to revive my crush on Bones. Now I can pleased put this story aside and will not make the mistake of reading my own stories again for a while.

Promise I will return to Replay sometime soon.

The story will also be updated on the http://www.fanfiction.net for those who prefer to read there, but it will take little longer as I need to split it up into the separate chapter first.

Happy reading!

/Miss P

A piece of (very) black humour

For my own amusement and hopefully yours, I have written a sequel to She’s nothing but a dirty mind, a player burning bridges as she goes . In the one-shot Black widow on the loose the very naughty version of Georgie returns. Will she get the revenge on Captain James which she thinks she rightfully deserves?

I realise this story may not appeal to everyone, but I like to write diverse kinds of stories. Both because I want to keep developing my writing and because I don’t want to become too predictable. However, it ususally goes like this; when I have written something mostly cute and romantic, I get the urge to write something deeper or something black. With that logic, you can guess that my next one will be more to the fluffy end of the scale again because this one is as black as it goes – yet fun I hope.

Cover Black widow


Despair & Hope

Despair & Hope is now published in the short stories section, including links to the inspirational songs for this story as they have been important to me in the writing process.

This is my my version of the showdown between Molly and Charles three years after Bangladesh. I finally wanted to tackle the elephant in the room that end of S4 is to me and try to answer the question ‘what the f*** was he thinking’. The story I for long refused to even think of, but which ended up being one of my favourites to write. Probably because this is how I could imagine it for the “real”, non AU version of my favourite couple.


Why I’m starting a Fanfic page


I’m a girl, well a woman who at heart still feels like a girl on a good day, and on a day when everyday life is dreary wishing that I was.

About six months ago I was googling for one of my absolute favourite series, BBC’s Our girl and came across fanfiction. Once I had discovered this lovely phenomenon, I had to give it a try myself and soon the writing bug got me.

I love writing fanfiction, so far only for Our girl with a few crossovers with other series and inspiration from books. I’m writing because it is fun and it adds a silver lining to my life and it makes me very happy when someones cares to read. I publish all my stories on fanfiction.net as I write them but my intention is to start posting them here when they are complete. I have wanted a way to store my stories more permanently, to get a good overview plus hopefully create better reader experience. I was inspired by another OGFF writer (who’s writing I absolutely adore) to post them on a blog.

That is why I’m creating this blog, though I’m not sure if anyone will ever read it.

Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters in my fanfics, I just borrow them for a while and have no intention to earn money from it.

If you find this site, I hope you enjoy.

All my ongoing and complete stories are found here:

