More of my Bones & Georgie fic

cover she didnt see

I have updated She didn’t see it coming , my only full-length Bones & Georgie fic. Why? you might wonder. Well, it was my very first story and upon re-reading it eight months and some 2000 written pages later, I realised there was room for improvement.

The plot remains the same, but I have edited the language and there is more of essentially everything; more dialogue, more feelings, hotter sex. This may in fact be one of my hottest stories, I realised when reading in one fell swoop that there is quite much hotness going on and if you don’t like a bit of smut (some of it deserve M-rating) you just have to skip those parts. Above all this is a love story though, you know I have a weakness for that.

There is more of Bones too as there are two new full chapters from his POV; Chapter 19 and Epilogue 2. However, all chapters are heavily edited so the story now is some 100 pages longer. It may seem a waste to put this effort into an already complete story but since this is my only full-length Bones & Georgie fic I thought it deserved as good as I got.  It was also nice to revive my crush on Bones. Now I can pleased put this story aside and will not make the mistake of reading my own stories again for a while.

Promise I will return to Replay sometime soon.

The story will also be updated on the for those who prefer to read there, but it will take little longer as I need to split it up into the separate chapter first.

Happy reading!

/Miss P

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